Monthly Review

Review of the Activities of the Russian Military Forces in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region

2023 / 02 / 01

Publication:  N29 / Review period: January 1-31, 2023 /Author: Elene Mindiashvili

Review of the Activities of the Russian Military Forces in Abkhazia and the Tkshinvali Region is being prepared within the framework of the project - Roadmap to the Kremlin's Policy in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region. The purpose of the publication is to review trainings of the military forces of the Russian Federation deployed in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region, as well as other important events related to the Russian 7th and 4th military bases in these regions. The review is a monthly publication and will be useful for everyone – decision-makers, public employees, media representatives and other people who are interested in the Kremlin policy in the occupied regions of Georgia.

*Note: The review does not include information about military personnel of the 4th and 7th military bases and volunteers from Abkhazia or the Tskhinvali region who are fighting in the Russian war against Ukraine.

** Note: A major part of military personnel of the 4th and 7th military bases are dispatched to fight against Ukraine. Therefore, the number of military exercises in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region has been significantly reduced; however, against this backdrop, the Armed Forces of the occupied regions are relatively active and periodically conduct various exercises. Despite the relatively passive activities of Russian servicemen in the occupied regions, we will review the activities of the Armed Forces of the de facto republics.  


As part of planned winter trainings of 2023, military servicemen and snipers of the Armed Forces carried out exercises at the Nagvalou military training ground.

Tskhinvali Region

Military Exercises

  • Cadets of the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School (Russia) underwent an internship in military units of the de facto Ministry of Defense of the Tskhinvali region.
  • Officers and commanders of the de facto Ministry of Defense underwent professional-vocational training.
  • Military servicemen of the special purpose battalion underwent tactical training at a training base of the de facto Ministry of Defense.
  • Officers of the Armed Forces of the de facto Ministry of Defense attended theoretical classes to improve professional qualifications.
  • Military servicemen of the guard of honor company of the de facto Ministry of Defense underwent tactical training in the field.
  • Military servicemen underwent professional training course at a military training ground of the de facto Ministry of Defence. 

Inspection of Military Infrastructure

  • The de facto President, Alan Gagloyev, visited the training center and the military training ground of the de facto Ministry of Defense.  

New Organization to Help War Veterans

  • Gagloyev issued an order to create a public organization which will work on issues of assistance to those soldiers and their families who were killed and injured during the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. According to the order, the organization will also be responsible for sending aid to volunteers participating in hostilities.


After the August 2008 war, Russian occupation forces were deployed in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region. In 2010, Russia signed agreements with the de facto republics of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region on the deployment of combined Russian military bases on the territories of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region for the next 49 years. The Russian 7th military base locates on the territory of Abkhazia, and the Russian 4th military base - in the Tskhinvali region. Both regions are part of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation.