The Tamysh Village tourist complex was solemnly opened in the village of Tamysh, the Ochamchire district. The ceremony was attended by the de facto President, Aslan Bzhania, the de facto Head of the Ochamchire district, Beslan Bigvava, and the CEO of the Biblio-Globus investor company, Irina Kostenko.
Representatives of the de facto parliament and various government bodies were also present at the opening.
“This is not just the opening of a tourist facility but also a symbol of the revival of Tamysh and the entire eastern Abkhazia,” Bzhania said. According to him the “government” attaches particular importance to creating jobs for the population as well as creating a “safe” environment for investors. Bzhania thanked the Biblio-Globe Russian company for the implementation of the project.
For detailed information about the tourist complex, please see here.