Publication N15 / Review Period: October 1-31, 2022 / Author: Elene Mindiashvili
Monitoring of the Situation at the Occupation Line in the Tskhinvali Region is being prepared within the framework of the project - Roadmap to Kremlin's Policy in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region. The purpose of the publication is to review the situation and ongoing important developments near the occupation line in the Tskhinvali region. The review will be useful for everyone – decision-makers, public employees, media representatives and other people who are interested in the mentioned topic.
Citizens Detained and Released
Detention and Release of Tamaz Glurjidze
On October 19, the occupation forces illegally detained Tamaz Glurjidze, a citizen of Georgia, in the vicinity of the village of Bershueti, the Gori municipality, on charges of illegal crossing of the so-called border. Tamaz Glurjidze was released on October 20, the second day after the arrest. According to the State Security Service of Georgia (SSS), the hotline was launched on Glurjidze’s arrest; the co-Chairs of the Geneva International Talks were also infiormed about the fact.
Release of Tamaz Glurjidze. Source:
“Borderization” and Ongoing Activities Along the Occupation Line
“Borderization” in the Village of Karafila
On October 1, in the vicinity of the village of Karafila, the Kaspi municipality, the occupation forces started digging of so-called fire ditches. Based on empirical observations, digging of fire ditches is the first phase of a multi-step process of illegal “borderization.” The SSS also confirms the process of borderization.
“Borderization” in the Village of Dvani
On October 7, the occupying forces illegally installed metal poles and barbed wire in the village of Dvani, the Kareli municipality. The mentioned fact of “borderization” was also confirmed by the State Security Service.
Important Visits
Slovak Delegation Visits Odzisi
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Marian Majer, and the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Georgia, Pavel Vizdal, visited Odzisi. On October 11, the Deputy Head of the EUMM Georgia, Dr. Tibor Kozma, hosted the delegation and informed them about the security and humanitarian developments along the “administrative” border line on the ground.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Visits Khurvaleti
On October 17, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Anniken Huitfeldt, together with the Head of the EUMM Georgia, Marek Szczygieł, visited the occupation line in the village of Khurvaleti, the Gori municipality. They talked about the “borderization” process as a negative factor affecting the freedom of movement of the population affected by the conflict.
Anniken Huitfeldt Visits the Occupation Line. Source:
Deputy State Secretary of Finland Visits Odzisi
On October 24, the Under- Secretary of State for Intertnational Trade of Finland, Nina Vaskunlahti, together with the Ambassador Marek Szczygieł visited the closed crossing point in the village of Odzisi. On the ground, Marek Szczygieł informed the guest about such important challenges as the active phase of the “borderization” process, facts of gross violations of human rights and protracted closure of crossing points which in turn creates a number of humanitarian problems for the population living on both sides of the occupation line.
Assistance to the Villages Near the Occupation Line
The Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality, in cooperation with the Academy of the Ministry of Finance, announced a competition for the participation in an educational training Practical Entrepreneurship Course - How to Start and Develop a Business. The training is designed for women affected by the conflict and women from ethnic minorities living in the villages near the dividing line. The training is aimed at increasing theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship and strengthening practical skills in business.