Publication: N2 / Review Period: July 15 - November 15, 2023 / Author: Arsen Araqelov
Review of the Participation of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region in Russia's Military Aggression in Ukraine is being prepared within the framework of the project - Roadmap to Kremlin's Policy in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region. The purpose of the publication is to monitor the military and humanitarian involvement of the occupied regions of Georgia in the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. The review will be useful for decision-makers, public employees, the media, representatives of international governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other people who are interested in the participation of the Georgian occupied regions in the Russian aggression.
Fighters Participating in the Military Aggression
Representatives of the occupied regions are participating in Russia's military aggression in Ukraine, a large part of which, from the very first days of the war, have been involved in military operations. Fighters from Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region are mainly united in different volunteer battalions. A part of ethnic Ossetians from the Tskhinvali region serves at the 4th Russian military base and represent the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.
Ethnic Abkhaz fighters mainly make up the so-called Piatnashka international brigade. The Piatnashka brigade is an illegal armed formation which has been under the 100th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 1st Army Corps of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. The Commander of the unit is an ethnic Abkhaz, Akhra Avidzba, nicknamed Abkhaz.
The largest number of ethnic Ossetians are enlisted in the following two formations: Storm Ossetia and Alania. Their activity is often observed in temporarily occupied parts of the Zaporizhzhia region. The battalions include ethnic Ossetian volunteers from both North Ossetia and the Tskhinvali region.
From July 15 to November 15, 2023, a total of six people from the Tskhinvali region fighting on the Russian side in Ukraine were reported dead: Giorgi Besaev, Artur Khachirov, Fidar Kulumbekov, Soslan Gabaraev, Alan Gigolayev and Vadim Dudayev. According to information confirmed in open sources, the number of fighters from the Tskhinvali region who were killed while participating in Russia's aggression in Ukraine totals 38. As for Abkhazia, number of killed fighters participating in the Russian aggression in Ukraine is 16; there were no confirmed reports of the death of Abkhaz fighters in July-November.
For more details about the fighters from the occupied regions who died during the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, please see the interactive map.
Giorgi Besaev
Besaev fought in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces from the very beginning of the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. He is presumed to have died on September 1, 2023.
Giorgi Besaev
Artur Khachirov
On September 2, Khachirov was seen off on his last journey in the village of Dmenisi. He is presumed to have died on August 27. The de facto President of the Tskhinvali region, Alan Gagloyev, also attended the public funeral.
Funeral of Artur Khachirov
Fidar Kulumbekov
On September 20, a funeral ceremony for Kulumbekov was held in the village of Nogkau, the Tskhinvali region. He died on September 19. The chairman of the de facto government, Konstantine Jusoev, attended the public funeral.
Funeral of Fidar Kulumbekov
Soslan Gabaraev
On October 11, a funeral ceremony for Gabaraev was held in the Tskhinvali region. He is presumed to have died around October 9, 2023. Gagloyev also attended the public funeral.
Funeral of Soslan Gabaraev
Alan Gigolayev
Gigolayev died on October 24, 2023.
Alan Gigolayev
Vadim Dudaye
Dudaev last contacted his relatives on October 19. His death was confirmed on November 2.
Vadim Dudayev
Putin’s Award
By a decree of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Dzambolat Valiev, a fighter from the Tskhinvali region who took part in the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, was awarded the order For Courage. Valiev has been participating in Russia's military aggression since the first days.
Handing Over the Order to Valiyev
Gagloyev’s Award
The de facto President of the Tskhinvali region, Alan Gagloyev, presented the medal of Defender of the Motherland to Soslan Kotolov, a fighter from the Tskhinvali region who has been participating in Russia's military aggression in Ukraine since the first days. He was wounded three times during the hostilities and is currently undergoing rehabilitation.
Gagloyev with Kotolev
Humanitarian Assistance and Other Support
Since February 24, 2022, the beginning of the Russian full-scale military aggression in Ukraine, the occupied regions often held events in support of the Russian Army. These events are mostly organized by the de facto governments, Russian compatriots living in the occupied regions or the Federal Agency for CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Affairs. The support is mainly expressed in cultural and charity events, and humanitarian and financial aid.
Financial and Technical Support
Gift to Ossetian Compatriots
Preparing Camouflage Nets
Sports Events and Concerts
Margieva and Russian Soldiers
Educational Quotas for Fighters’ Children
Propaganda Activities
Alanya Fighters in the Orphanage
Alanya Fighters and Residents of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic