In November, 2019, number of military exercises in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region decreased. Deputy Minister of North Caucasus Affairs summarized Tskhinvali Region investment program implementation results for 2019. Significant portion of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region Budget for 2020 will be financed by Russia. Representation of the „Russkiy Mir“ Foundation will be opened in Tskhinvali. You will be able to learn about important developments of November 2019, connected to Kremlin’s policy in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region.
November 2019 Important Developments Shortly:
Curator Visit
On November 28, 2019, Igor Koshin, Deputy Minister of North Caucasus Affairs, paid regular working visit to Tskhinvali Region. During the visit Koshin evaluated implementation results of investment program for 2019 promoting Tskhinvali Region socio-economic development. According to Koshin this was the first year that project-finance documents have been prepared in the first quarter and investment program for 2020-2022 was timely developed as well. Investment program for 2018-2019 promoting Tskhinvali Region socio-economic development was adopted in December, 2017. The program envisages implementation of 51 projects. Construction of social facilities completes the current program.
Military Exercises
Following to intensive five-month period in terms of military exercises, November was relatively passive.
Military exercises at the 7th military base in Abkhazia
The 7th military base other news
Cooperation in the Legislative Field
Abkhaz MP was elected as member of the Council of Experts
Valery Agrba, member of de facto parliament of Abkhazia, was elected as member of the Council of Experts of the Russian State Duma Committee on development of civil society, public and religious communities. Agrba provides expert support in social and humanitarian fields of legislation.
Cooperation plan for 2020 was agreed in Moscow
At the meeting of the Committee on cooperation between de facto parliament of Tskhinvali Region and Federal Council of Russia, held in Moscow, was agreed cooperation plan for 2020.
Cooperation in the Field of Emergency Situations
Aviation of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations was also involved in operation to eliminate fire in Abkhazia, spread on 10 000 hectares of the territory. Firefighting took place on November 10-21. Russian Aviation implemented 266 flights, using 1736 tons of water to extinguish the fire.
Foreign Policy Coordination
On November 1, 2019, Andrey Rudenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, met with Igor Akhba, ambassador of de facto Republic of Abkhazia to Russia. Rudenko, appointed as Deputy Minister on September 19, 2019, curates Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region. Issues related to Russian-Abkhazian relations and foreign policy actions aimed at strengthening international positions of Abkhazia were discussed at the meeting.
Cooperation in the Field of Economy
Investment program draft was reviewed in Abkhazia
De facto government of Abkhazia discussed the issues related to the 18th Session of inter-governmental committee on socio-economic cooperation between Russia and Abkhazia. 4.5 billion RUB will be allocated for new investment program. The program priority directions will be: roads and infrastructure repair, electricity grid rehabilitation. The Children’s Republican Hospital is the main social facility to be built under the program.
Moscow will finance Russian-Abkhazian Business Forum
Effective 2020, the Ministry of Economic Developments of the Russian Federation will regularly finance Russian-Abkhazian Business Forums. The order was issued by the Prime-Minister of Russia. Abkhazian-Russian Business Forums are traditionally held. In 2018 the 9th Business Forum was held.
Petroleum products export from Russia to Abkhazia has been simplified
On November 14, 2019, the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved simplification of petroleum products export from Russia to Abkhazia and petroleum products export without temporary customs declaration. According to the mentioned amendment Abkhazia will be provided with certain amount of petroleum products, which won’t be subject to customs duties and will be distributed among suppliers in the form of quotas.
The program of delivering buses to Abkhazia completed
In 2019, as a part of investment program promoting socio-economic development of Abkhazia, 63 buses were procured with the cost of 162 million RUB. Thus, the program of delivering buses to Abkhazia has been completed. As a result of the program, the inner city routes are fully secured with transport, the school bus fleet has been upgraded by 80%.
Budgetary Assistance and Control
Budgetary assistance
De facto government of Tskhinvali Region adopted the draft budget for 2020. Russian financial assistance to the draft budget amounts to 6.16 billion RUB. The region own revenue will make up 18% of the total revenue and amounts to only 1.355 billion RUB.
De facto parliament of Abkhazia adopted at first reading draft law „On the Republican Budget of Abkhazia for 2020“. The budget own revenues amount to 3 368 855,6 thousand RUB, financial assistance from Russia – to 4 746 629,7 thousand RUB.
Chamber of Control checked Russian money spending in Tskhinvali Region
Representative of the Chamber of Control of Russia implemented control measures on the use of Russian financial assistance for 2019. The working group evaluated the Russian Federal Budget resources allocation, as well as adherence to the rules and conditions of its reasonable use.
Cooperation in the Field of Healthcare
Medicines provision for the Russian citizens residing in Abkhazia will continue
Agreement between Abkhazia and the Russian Federation „On Cooperation in the Field of Provision of Medical products and Medical Devices for Certain Categories of Citizens of the Russian Federation Permanently Residing in the Republic of Abkhazia“ has been extended for two years.
Construction of maternity hospital has been completed in Tskhinvali
Construction of maternity hospital in Tskhinvali has been completed with the Russian financial assistance. Construction was implemented under the investment program for 2018-2019 promoting socio-economic development of Tskhinvali Region. The project cost amounted to 490 million RUB.
Cooperation in Various Fields
The State Statistics Committee of de facto Republic of Abkhazia and „Rosstat“ agreed on cooperation. The signed agreement will allow Abkhaz side to introduce modern methods in the field of statistics.
Cooperation with the Regions of Russia
Raul Khajimba, de facto president of Abkhazia, after winning illegitimate presidential elections, first visited the Republic of Adygea. During the one-day visit, Khajimba met with Murat Kumpilov, Head of the Republic, and participated in a solemn event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Aslan Jamirov, the first President of Adygea.
Russian „Soft Power“
The „Russkyiy Mir“ Foundation branch in Tskhinvali
The center of the Russian Foundation „Russkiy Mir“ will be opened at so-called State University of South Ossetia. The Foundation will provide technical support for the center establishment as well as provide all necessary scientific-methodological literature. The foundation was established in 2007 under the decree of the President of Russia with the aim to popularize Russian language and support Russian language study programs in Russia and abroad.
Presentation of Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire was held in Tskhinvali
Materials from Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire were presented at so-called Ossetian National Museum, in Tskhinvali. The event was dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the first Ossetian Embassy opening in St. Petersburg.
Cooperation in the field of culture
Abkhaz delegation attended the VIII ST. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. The Forum welcomed representatives of 98 countries.
Global Forum of young diplomats
Delegation of the Young Diplomats Council of de facto Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, upon the invitation of the Young Diplomats Union of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, participated in the III Global Forum of Young Diplomats. The Forum welcomed representatives of 85 states. The first and second forums took place in 2017 and 2018.
Russian quotas for Abkhaz entrants
Meetings were held in different cities of Abkhazia for the purpose of raising entrants’ vocational orientation. Abkhazian Representation of Federal Agency for CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Affairs and representatives of so-called state University of Abkhazia introduced to Abkhaz entrants the process of selecting candidates for higher education institutions. Russia annually allocates places for free education at the Russian higher education institutions for Abkhaz entrants. In 2016, 200 places were allocated and only 50 will be available for 2020-2021 academic year.
Trainings on informational technologies
Kids technopark specialists of the Russian Social University organized two-day seminar on informational technologies for 7th - 11th grade students in Tskhinvali Region.
Raising teachers’ qualification
With the support of the Agency representation in Abkhazia, school teachers participated in qualification raising event on November 1-5.
Public Unity Day
With the support of the Agency representation in Tskhinvali Region, Russian national holiday – Public Unity Day was celebrated with concerts in Tskhinvali and Akhalgori. With the support of the Agency representation in Abkhazia was held chess tournament dedicated to the holiday.
The 25th anniversary of peacekeeping operation
A round table dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian peacekeeping operation in Abkhazia was held at the Military Academy of the Russian Armed Forces General headquarter. „Ambassador“ of Abkhazia to Russia also participated in the event.