On June 9, a Russian delegation visited the de facto republic of Abkhazia. The delegation was chaired by Alexander Novak, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian government, who supervises the occupied regions of Georgia. Among the delegation were Dmitry Volvach, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia, and other members of the government.
During the visit, Novak met with the de facto President of the Republic, Aslan Bzhania. At the meeting, Novak noted that the de facto republic is Russia’s strategic partner and paid attention to the assessment of trade and economic cooperation prospects. According to Novak, the rate of trade relations between Russia and the de facto republic has increased by 73% compared to last year's results. In addition, the issue of restoring air traffic between the occupied Abkhazia and Russia was also mentioned, on which Bzhania responded that “the restoration of air traffic is so important for the Abkhaz people that each person involved in this process is perceived as a saint.”
On the same day, Novak together with the Minister of Economy of the de facto Republic, Kristina Ozgan, visited the Sukhumi airport the restoration of which is planned. Novak was introduced to the infrastructural possibilities of the airport.
In addition, Alexander Novak inspected the area surrounding the Moskva Resort hotel in Bichvinta which is under construction, as well as the Pitsunda Resort boarding house and visited the Bichvinta Monastery. He was accompanied by the de facto Minister of Tourism, Teimuraz Khishba.
An “intergovernmental” meeting was held on June 10. An Abkhaz delegation was headed by the de facto Prime Minister, Alexander Ankvab. The meeting focused on the uninterrupted supply of electricity and petroleum products to the occupied Abkhazia and the acceleration of the process of harmonization of “legislation.”