The de facto parliament of the Tskhinvali region ratified a joint agreement with the Russian Federation
The de facto parliament of the Tskhinvali region ratified a joint agreement with the Russian Federation
According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Moscow refuses US claims concerning the treaty on ban of flights within a 10-kilometer zone along de facto border of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region.
In Moscow, de facto ambassador of the Tskhinvali Region to the Russian Federation and the Russian Minister of Labour and Social Security have signed agreement on mutual recognition of military servicemen disability documents.
President of Russian Federation, Vladimer Putin signed federal law which ratifies additional protocol to the agreement on Alliance and Integration between Russia and Tskhinvali Region. According to the document, restriction on duration of stay either on the territory of Russia or Tskhinvali Region for the citizens of both sides has been cancelled.
The Russian State Duma ratified an additional protocol to the agreement of alliance and integration between Russia and Tskhinvali Region. According to the document, restrictions on terms of stay for the citizens of both sides on the territory of Russia and Tskhinvali have been cancelled.
The President of the Russian Federation presented the draft of amendments to the Agreement on Alliance and Integration (March 18, 2015) between the Russian Federation and Tskhinvali Region to the State Duma for ratification. The amendment implies cancelling of existing restrictions on the duration of stay on the territories of Russia and Tskhinvali Region for the citizens.
According to the Speaker of de facto Parliament of Tskhinvali Region Petr Gassiev, implementation of Agreement on Alliance and Integration between Russia and Tskhinvali Region is 98% completed. Works on Agreement implementation still ongoing. Gassiev stated that Russia and Tskhinvali Region Internal Affairs Ministries Joint Information-Coordination Center formation, as well as the Tskhinvali Region armed forces separate units integration into Russian Army are examples of the Agreement implementation.
On December 13, 2018, the State Duma of the Russian Federation ratified agreement between Russia and de facto government of Abkhazia on the „mutual recognition of education and (or) qualification“.