
ტეგი: Soft Power

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New Head of the Russian House Office in Abkhazia

The office of the Federal Agency for CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Activities (hereinafter referred to as Russian House) in the occupied Abkhazia has a new Head, Vladislav Kulikov.

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Soviet Films Will Be Screened in Tskhinvali

Tskhinvali will host an open-air screening of Soviet films. The project will start on July 8, at 19:00. Films will be shown twice a week - on Tuesday and Thursday.

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Preliminary Premiere of a Film about the Great Patriotic War in Sokhumi

A preliminary premiere of a film about the Great Patriotic War took place in Sokhumi, on December 9. The film Search was shot with the financial support of the Government of the Russian Federation. The investment in this direction is aimed at raising awareness of compatriots living abroad about the Great Patriotic War and the process of searching for the missing in the war.

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Review of Russia’s Soft Power in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region

Publication: N1 / Review period: January-March, 2021 /Author: Ani Zirakashvili

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Pushkin Ball in Tskhinvali

The Tskhinvali N6 School will host the Pushkin Ball on the International Poetry Day.

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The „Russkiy Mir“ Foundation Branch in Tskhinvali

The center of the „Russkiy Mir“ Foundation will be opened at so-called State University of South Ossetia. The Foundation will provide technical support for the center establishment as well as provide all necessary scientific-methodological literature.

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Day of the Slavic Writing and Culture is celebrated in Tskhinvali Region

Tskhinvali Region started to celebrate day of the Slavic Writing and Culture. On this day ceremonial events are held in different countries every year. In connection with the Slavic writing and culture day, the region teachers of Russian language and literature conduct general school activities during the week.

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