Author: Elene Mindiashvili
In 2022, a total of 15 cases of “borderization” were reported in four municipalities of Georgia, most of them occurred in Gori municipality.
Last year, “borderization” cases were reported adjacent to the following villages:
“Borderization” Dynamics
The month of July was distinguished in terms of intensity of cases and geographical area. A total of three “borderization” incidents were recorded in the village of Khurvaleti, Artsevi (Gori municipality) and Iri (Oni municipality) during the month. “Borderization” precedents only occurred once or twice during other months. It should also be noted that in March, April and August, neither “borderization” facts nor any activities related to the “borderization” process were observed near the occupation line. Such a hiatus was probably related to the Russian military aggression in Ukraine and can be explained by the reduction in the number of the Russian military and their activity in the occupied Tskhinvali region.
Diagram 1: "Borderization" Dynamics by Months
So-Called Fear and Blind Zones
“Fear zones” exist almost along the entire section of the occupation line. Such a segment on the territory creates a favorable precondition for the start of “borderization.” During 2022, in most of the villages where “borderization” cases were observed, part of the occupied territory is geographically encroached in such a way which endangers the population living in the vicinity and creates “fear zones” – territory which is theoretically controlled by the Georgian side, although the population avoids movement and activity in the mentioned section due to existing high risk of illegal detention by the occupation forces. “Fear zones” exist in the villages of Knolev, Dvan, Atotsi, Karapila, Sakorintlo, Kirbali, Zardiaantkari and Khurvaleti.
In mountainous part adjacent to the occupation line, we see another type of conditional classification – “blind zones.” The mountainous section of the occupation line became of special importance for the occupation regime in November 2021, when the “State Commission for Border Delimitation and Demarcation” of the de facto parliament approved “new maps.” As per the maps, an additional area of 200 square kilometers is included within the borders of the so-called de facto republic of the Tskhinvali region. It mainly refers to villages of Oni and Kazbegi municipalities, including the village of Iri where two “borderization” cases were reported last year. Traces of direct deforestation which was ongoing at the end of 2021, followed the trajectory of the “new maps.” What makes the mentioned area a “blind zone” is the fact that the terrain does not allow to move and engage in activities here, and, unlike other regions, this section is not patrolled by the relevant agency which makes it impossible to observe and track the dynamics of the ongoing “borderization” process in this section.
“Borderization” Facts
No facts of displacement of the occupation line were reported in 2022. There were only two notable cases: the ground was prepared for the future wave of “borderization” in the villages of Kirbali (January 19) and Karapila (October 1). The perimeter was marked with white ribbons in Kirbali and fire ditches were dug up in Karapila. In other cases, repair/renovation of already existing “border constructions” or the installation of physical barriers at the already demarcated “border” were observed.
January 7
Davit Katsarava, the leader of the anti-occupation movement – Power is in Unity, discovered traces of new activity of the occupation forces on the Kvaisa-Iri road in Racha. He states that the so-called border guards renewed barbed wire.
January 19
The occupation foces started demarcation works near the so-called border banner in the village of Kirbali, on the territory controlled by the Georgian authorities. They crossed the “border” of the de facto republic and marked the adjacent perimeter of the occupation line with white ribbons.
February 20
In the vicinity of the village of Mereti, the occupation forces installed poles on already existing barbed wires.
“Border structures” were installed in the village of Zardiaantkari, on a 700-meter section of the Ossetian side at the occupation line.
June 18-19
The occupation forces placed illegal infrastructure in the vicinity of the village of Khurvaleti, just a few kilometers away from the Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze highway. According to locals, this activity was aimed at building a new watch tower, although the specifics of the building are interesting. It looks more like a portable satellite radio station which was deployed on the same location as part of special military training in May 2021.
July 8
According to Davit Katsarava, the leader of the anti-occupation movement – Power is in Unity, the occupation regime renewed barbed wire, installed a motion detector and cleaned area around an operational base located nearby the occupied Kvaisa district (adjacent to the village of Iri).
July 14-30
In the second half of July, new barbed wire was installed in the village of Zemo Artsevi. As a result, the village was completely fenced.
July 16-23
The occupation forces installed a new checkpoint in the village of Khurvaleti.
September 19
According to eyewitnesses, military representatives of the occupation forces resumed the installation of a “border fence” in the village of Kveshi. The work was started in 2021.
September 30
Metal poles and barbed wire were illegally installed in the village of Knolevi which borders the occupied villages - Kvemo Okona and Khabelaani. The ground for the new wave of “borderization” in Knolevi was prepared in May 2021 when the so-called fire ditches were dug up.
October 1
The occupation forces dug up fire ditches in the vicinity of the village of Karapila.
October 7
The occupation forces illegally installed metal poles and barbed wire. The State Security Service also confirmed the mentioned “borderization” fact.
November 11
According to the information disseminated by the State Security Service, the occupation forces resumed the “borderization” process in the vicinity of the occupied village of Atotsi. They installed new metal constructions and renewed barbed wire.
November 30
The so-called border arrangement works were carried out in the vicinity of the village of Sakorintlo, on the territory controlled by the occupation regime. According to the Ossetian news agency RES, the process is being carried out “in accordance with the legislation” and its purpose is to protect the population of the “Republic of South Ossetia.”
December 17
As the anti-occupation movement - Strength is in Unity reported, a special purpose construction was erected in the vicinity of the village of Sakorintlo. The leader of the movement, Davit Katsarava, explained that the construction is a special parking lot for a radio-electronic reconnaissance vehicle.