Antiterrorist Exercises Conducted in Abkhazia

On the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia, Russian Federation 7th military base servicemen suppressed conditional terrorists activity as a part of tactical exercises. Following to the exercise scenario, armed persons occupied checkpoint to further mine and explode fuel-lubricant warehouse.

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Intelligence Units Exercised in Abkhazia

Intelligence Units of the 7th Russian military base in Abkhazia are exercising new methods of detection and destruction of enemy targets in mountain-wooded areas. The experience of modern armed conflicts is being used during the training-fighting task.

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Number of “Border“ Violation Reduced According to de facto Security Service of Abkhazia

According to the de facto Security Service of Abkhazia, more than 300 citizens were detained for violation of de facto border with Georgia, the number is three times less than it was in 2017. According to the Service, significant reduction of violators number is caused by refined approach to the border protection issue by de facto Border Security Service of Abkhazia and Border Division of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation  which is deployed in Abkhazia.

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Abkhazia: Russian funded Health and Recreation Center Opening

On March 23, 2019, Health and Recreation Center “Rodniki“ official opening took place in village Dranda, Gulripshi District, Abkhazia. The opening event was hosted by Vladimir Nekrasov, the Trade Representative of Russia in Abkhazia. The Center was solemnly opened by Russian “Ambassador“ to Abkhazia Alexey Dvinyanin and the Deputy Prime Minister of the de facto Republic of Abkhazia Astamur Ketsba. According to Nekrasov, investment project implementation started one year ago with the support of Russia and the project is significant with its socio importance.

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Large-Scale Tactical Exercises Conducted in Abkhazia

Tactical exercises carried out at Tsebelda and Nagvalou military polygons in Abkhazia under instruction of the Commander of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Dvornikov. In the exercises participated aviation and fleet as well.

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Engineer-Miner Unit Exercised in Abkhazia

Russian 7th Military Base Mining-Engineering unit in Abkhazia participated in tactical exercises and cleared 10 000 sq/m minefield.

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Abkhazian Delegation Attended the Conference on the Crimea Issues

On March 21, 2019, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation in Moscow, Abkhazian Delegation attended international conference – “the Crimea in Modern Geopolitics. 5 years of the Crimea Spring“. Abkhazian Delegation was comprised of the de facto first Vice-Premier Daur Arshba and the de facto Ambassador Igor Akhba.

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Abkhazia: Number of Contract Servicemen at Russian Military Base Increased

The number of contract servicemen at the 7th Military Base of Russia in Abkhazia has increased by 30% compared to previous year. From 2018 till present, more than 600 Russian citizens expressed desire to serve at the military base under contract. As a result of thorough selection process only one candidate out of four contenders was qualified. At present, the number of contract servicemen at the military base is more than half of the total number of the base military personnel.

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Intelligence Units Exercised in Abkhazia

The 7th military base of Russian Federation utilised more than 50 thousand ammunition during vocational trainings on the Tsebelda Polygon. Trainings lasted for one month. Military personnel worked out tactical-special, engineering and fire training standards in mountainous and wooded areas. Up to 500 military personnel participated in the exercises and 50 units of military equipment, including armoured reconnaissance vehicle “Dozor“ involved.

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Agreement on Alliance and Integration Completed for 98%

According to the Speaker of de facto Parliament of Tskhinvali Region Petr Gassiev, implementation of Agreement on Alliance and Integration between Russia and Tskhinvali Region is 98% completed. Works on Agreement implementation still ongoing. Gassiev stated that Russia and Tskhinvali Region Internal Affairs Ministries Joint Information-Coordination Center formation, as well as the Tskhinvali Region armed forces separate units integration into Russian Army are examples of the Agreement implementation.

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Sergey Chebotarev Sent Telegram to Bibilov

On March 18, 2019, Tskhinvali Region hosted event in memory of “Eredvi Tragedy“. (According to Osetian party, on March 18, 1991, near village Eredvi, armed Georgians stopped the bus driving 25 ethnic Ossetian citizens from village Dmenisi to Tskhinvali. 12 men were tortured and buried alive). Tskhinvali Region de facto president Anatoly Bibilov and the “Ambassador“ of Russian Federation in Tskhinvali Region Marat Kulakhmetov attended the event.

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Russia Starts Three-phase Health Care Service Project Implementation in Abkhazia

On March 18, 2019, in Sukhumi, meeting between Russian Federation delegation and the de facto Minister of Health of Abkhazia Tamaz Tsakhnakia was held to review tree-phase Health Care Service Project for the citizens of the de facto Abkhazia Republic. Delegation members are Head of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of the Russian Federation Vladimir Uiba and the Assistant to the Minister of Health of Russia Anatoly Gulin.

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Investment Program Issue with Russia was Discussed in Abkhazia

On March 15, 2019, in the de facto Republic of Abkhazia, working group of the Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs of the Russian Federation held another meeting to discuss implementation of investment programs supporting the socio-economic development of Abkhazia. Similar meeting was held on March 14 as well.

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Adygea and Krasnodar Krai Muslim Community will Assist for the Mosque Expansion in Sukhumi

Spiritual board of Adygea Republic and Krasnodar Krai Muslim, guided by Mufti Askarbia Kardanov, paid official visit to Abkhazia. Together with the delegation, Mufti met with the de facto President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba.

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Abkhazia and Russia Discussed 2017-2019 Investment Program Implementation

On March 14, 2019, Investment program implementation was discussed at the de facto government of Abkhazia on the meeting with the working group from the Ministry of North Caucausus Affairs, Russian Federation.

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